Health Care Workshops

Bee Productions ER

Bee Productions would be happy to personalize any length of workshop on hospital interpersonal communications, conflict resolution, or other topics as needed.



Comedy Presentation (30 – 45 minutes)
This humourous performance is all about the wacky world of health care where fun is poked at health care, patients, nurses & doctors (on duty and off), and hospitals. Of virtually no educational value, it provides a hilarious break from the learning ‘work’ that occurs during conferences, and helps revitalize attendees. Several versions of this presentation are available and can be customized for the needs and scope your specific audience.

To Bee or Not To Bee (1 Hour)
This session documents the nurse/speaker’s personal near-death experience with severe anaphylaxis from a wasp sting, and how it affected her both personally and professionally. Aside from a showing a different perspective, this session explores anaphylaxis symptoms and treatment (something all medical personnel should be cognizant of) and also how to detect and care for colleagues who may be suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. The presentation contains humour to offset the serious nature of the topic.

Stress Buster for Nurses (30 Minutes)
Our culture socializes women to be non-confrontational and to make ‘no waves’. But that doesn’t mean that women should accept any abuse coming their way. This presentation shows how to ‘fight back’ and set clear boundaries with crabby patients or coworkers with the use of humour and the Snappy Comeback. Recommended for those with a sense of humour who aren’t afraid to use it.

Humour in the Workplace (1 hour)
Health Care Professionals have truly stressful jobs indeed, working in constant chaos with those who are hurt, angry, upset, frightened, and generally just not at their best. Humour is an excellent tool that can be used to decrease fear, increase trust, and strengthen the bond with patients as well as coworkers. This hour-long presentation examines the power and importance of humour and how it can be used effectively in the hospital setting.

Beve would be pleased to provide Humour Practice time in the latter part of the workshop if attendees size permits. Smaller groups (less than 30) will complete customized humour exercises & brainstorm together with Beve’s help on how to inject more humour into their particular workplace. Beve will illustrate how to use appropriate humour with coworkers and clients help increase harmony and diffuse conflict using true-to-your-unit examples. She will work with you to develop specific strategies to deal with your workplace ‘humour challenges’ such as crabby coworkers.

“Today’s Nurse; Thriving in Chaos!” **
Nursing is an incredibly challenging career made more difficult by today’s staffing shortages, high staff turnover, increased patient volumes and higher acuities. “Today’s Nurse: Thriving in Chaos” to the rescue!!

This full day workshop was developed specifically for nurses who:
• feel frustrated & powerless by systemic problems
• want to increase their success in dealing with patients, visitors & crabby co-workers
• have a sense of humour and aren’t afraid to use it!
This interactive workshop was designed to help nurses deal more successfully with the difficult people and situations inherent in high-stress hospital environments. Registrants will work their way through realistic scenarios, learn how to use humour in their workplace, and gain experience in the kind of challenging human relations situations unique to nursing. This is one seminar you won’t want to miss!

** Please note that a shorter version of this workshop is available according to time constraints and needs of the audience


If you are interested in hiring Beve for a Health Care Workshop, please contact her here.